This image is a basic print then by hand tinting the image I used tip-ex to draw the i-D logo on the side, and used a permanent marker to draw over the bricks, and around the subject. I coloured in the left eye, in order to follow the tradition of the previous front covers.
I like how the hand tinting around the model makes her almost look like she has been cut out and stuck onto the wall picture. I drew graffiti onto the print in order to make the picture have a more urban feel.

After the first shoot trying the Geek Chis style, I decided to try and do a shoot with a guy modelling the same style. I like how the models shirt looks with the use of solarisation as it gives the checkered style a completely different look which is more appealing.

This is an example of me experimenting with different techniques... I have two basic prints exactly the same and rip one of the prints up into pieces, i then placed the pieces randomly over the top of the normal print which then made the subject looks obscured, giving an odd but interesting look to a fashion image.

This is one of my images i submitted for my final grading. They are all taken on a Pentax K1000 35mm film camera. In order for me to produce this print, I toned the prints so they had a brown hint to them and i then used water coloured paint to hand tint the denim blue. I found the burnt down shed in Leigh-on-sea and as i struggled with finding suitable models i decided to do something slightly different when producing advertising work.