Tuesday 12 October 2010


Album Covers

How do you interpret the word 'play'?


Monday 11 October 2010

Lucky Dip

For our second location project we had to pick a subject/object out of a hat and try to find ways of producing interesting location images about the particular object you picked out.  My lucky dip was 'Park Benches'.  At first I found this quite challenging as I wanted to produce something different then just taking pictures of park benches.  After research and discussions I decided to make my park bench topic into a crime scene.  This is something I am very interested in anyway, therefore this photo shoot was one of my most enjoyable.  The props were cheap and easy to get hold of and easy to make therefore it wasn't expensive and my location was nearby so travelling back and forth wasn't a problem. 

With this shoot I used both digital and film but for my final prints I used the negatives instead of the digital.  I felt that the images would be more moving and dramatic when they are in black and white.  Below are four other prints showing a close up of individual parts of evidence I set up.